Mother makes life possible. Mother makes happiness possible. Mother gives the first hug. Mother gives you the first word. Mother gives you the first smile. Mother gives you the first kiss. Mother gives you the first food. Mother gives you unconditional love always.
Mother gives you values to live. Mother moulds you and make you. Mother nurtures and sustains you. Mother holds your hand when you are about to fall.Mother holds you first and keep holding you in her heart. For mothers, even when you are old, you are her child.
Mother gives you values to live. Mother moulds you and make you. Mother nurtures and sustains you. Mother holds your hand when you are about to fall.Mother holds you first and keep holding you in her heart. For mothers, even when you are old, you are her child.
I am blessed with my Amma. She is my blessing in life. She is the one with him I share all my joys, hope, sorrows and anxieties . She gave so much. She made me what I am. Love my Amma. And the mother of our children is the most wonderful mother who also happened to be the best buddy of our children and me. She is the best friend I have. Love my dear partner and the wonderful mother. Salutes to all mothers of the world.
Js Adoor is with Stephen Mathew and 2 others.
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