Thursday, October 29, 2020

Leadership Lessons 2: Those with great leadership quality are those with creative urge .

 Leadership Lesson 2.

Most of the people tend to think 'what can I get out of it" from an opportunity, from job and from a negotiation. Those with leadership will think ' how can I contribute,'. 'what can I give '.
Those with great leadership quality are those with creative urge .
For them work is a creative expression of life itself.
They don't get excited by immediate name or fame or incentives. They keep going to do something with a sense of creativity, a sense of passion and driven by a deeper sense of mission.
Because they are so convinced about what they do , they are also convincing to others. This courage of conviction is what make them inspire others to join a cause larger than them.
It is those kind of people with courage of conviction make change happen.
JS Adoor
To be continued

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