Sunday, January 29, 2017

Why I stopped reading News Papers and stopped watching TV shows?

Our mode and manner of reading are shifting drastically. Will printed News Paper exist after twenty years? I hardly watch any TV programme. For a long time I have not used TV at my home. This is partly due to the fact that I get real time news and views online- and well informed on a real time basis. News reach faster than TV or News Paper. I also wonder how many of the younger generation watch TV or read printed News Paper on a daily basis. Technology transformed the way we read, think, communicate and act. I often read on my phone and also write on my phone. I write in Malayalam on my phone often sitting in a car or a cafe or at the airport or in a que.
I no longer read a printed news paper. But I read at least twenty news papers on and online news articles a day. There is a significant change in the mode and manner of reading. With the emergence of multiple modes of social media, there is a wide range of choices available for reading. So I end up reading articles from four Malayalam News Papers and at least ten English News Papers and online news portals. This also means the average time I spend on a online Malayalam News channel is around fifteen minute a day. And I might be spending two hours a day to read articles and analysis all over the world. While most of these I read on my android phone, I also read many on my Laptop. I read book when I am flying - as I get totally uninterrupted time to complete a book. The last book I read on my flight was Herbarium- a recent novel in Malayalam.
In my office there is a detailed plan and budget discussion happening. And there is not even a page printed as my colleges made all data available on a pen-drive and also online.
And this shift is happening fast among those who are younger. Many of them read on their smart phone- and also write on the phone. This also means the attention span has reduced drastically. This will have other sociological and political consequences.

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