Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Happy Independence Day.

In a cruel August
When children die,
Without Oxygen
When rivers die
Without the flow
When the young
Get lynched
When fear grips
those in the margins
When silence
Become deafening.
When lies are televised ,
When truth gets discounted ,
When the rich runs the country
And the poor gets rhetoric
To fill the empty stomachs
When the farmer choose to die
Freedom fails everyone
Freedom fails everyday
Freedom fails everywhere.
Freedom, Freedom
Freedom...at last!
Promised,pledged ,
And postponed...
Freedom - at least.
Waiting to be redeemed
From Fear
From want
From Hunger
For dignity
Freedom to speak
Freedom to write
Freedom to think
Freedom to eat
Freedom to live
Freedom to love
Freedom to pray,
Freedom to be free.
Freedom ,
Within and beyond
Freedom to cry
Freedom to laugh
Freedom to sing
Freedom to dance
Freedom to Hug
Freedom to kiss
Freedom to be
'We the People'
India- an imagination
More than a billion dreams.
waiting to bloom
For a new tryst with destiny!!
For a new Dawn
For a new Hope
For a new struggle
For a new India
For everyone,
Say Yes to' We the people'
Of India
Say Yes to Rights
Say Yes to India
Of Everyone.
Yes, We indeed Love India
Happy Independence Day !!!

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