Tuesday, June 6, 2017

What is my Politics?

Many friends recently asked my political position. In a broad spectrum of political practice and systems, my political position is close to that of social democratic liberal with a commitment to democratic governance, human rights, Sustainable Development, social and economic justice and inclusive political process. This is closer to the position of Scandinavian and Nordic social democratic practice
Though I am convinced about the important role political parties political leaders and electoral politics, I am not a proponent or follower / member of any political party. This is also because I am a proponent of politics beyond electoral politics of political parties.
I support or challenge a government or a political party on the basis of certain values and a particular issue. As a proponent of Civic politics , I believe citizens have a right to critique governments, seek accountability, and demand rights as active citizens. While such position will engage with all political leaders and parties , it also requires keeping an optimal detachment with the establishments of political parties and government.
I am against all kinds of discrimination. I am against politics of hate, politics of exclusion and communal politics of all kinds. I am a proponent of non-violent politics and social mobilizations.
While I am inspired by the ideals and works of Marx, Rosa Luxumburg and Antonio Gramsci, I am neither a Marxist or nor a proponent of state driven top down socialism. I am opposed to all kinds of authoritarianism and fascism. I am inspired by the lives and works of whole range social and political reformers and activists. Hence , I am inspired by the lives and works of Jyothirao Phule, Savitri Phule, Narayana Guru, Padita Ramabhai, Ayyankali and Sahodaran Ayyappan and also that of Verier Elwin and Mother Theresa. In the Indian context I am immensely inspired by the life and work of Mahatma Gandhi, Ambedkar and Jawahar Lal Nehru. I am inspired by the Martin Luther King and civil rights movement and the struggles of Nelson Mandela and so many against apartheid. Hence my political and social activism are inspired by eclictical sources of influence rather than a single philosopher or a single source or a grand metanartative ideology that tend to give a methodology for social change.
I am for an ethical free society, media , market and state that serve all the people without compromising the rights and lives of future generations.
As an Indian, I am committed to the Constitution of India in it's letter and spirit and fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution to all people of India. I will support political and social movements as well as political parties committed to democratic rights , rights of all minority communities , principles of the Constitution and those who uphold the diversity and pluralism of India.
I am not a proponent of 'single issue' politics wherein certain activists work only on a ' single issue', often ignoring all other issues and without broader political perspective of democracy and human Rights for all.
Given below is a detailed note I wrote on my Politics:
Towards Transformative Democratization
I am a proponent of the politics of transformative democratization: more of a political praxis that I have learned over a period time- through theorizing practice and practice that emerge out of a theory of change and world.
My politics is driven by a universal ethics- moral choices and value premises - informed by human dignity, human rights, equality of human beings, justice, responsibility to each other and the planet. It is informed and inspired by movements and struggles for economic, social, gender and ecological justice. My politics derives its moral legitimacy from various struggles and efforts to humanize the world- all through history- through care and love; through our creative and committed searches for making the world and planet a better place to live. My politics is about imaginative potential of human beings to influence and transform the world within them, around them and beyond- in constant search for freedom and justice. Democratization is at the core of it. Democratization can only happen when there is spaces for dissent as well dignity: spaces to protest as well to propose; spaces to imagine as well as innovate. Creativity, Community and Communication (through language and technology) are three aspect that make human different from animals. And democratization is a process to affirm and constantly rediscover the potential and possibilities of human creativity, community solidarity and communicative actions.
I tend to think that social and political transformation happen through a whole range of cumulative process for radical shifts as well reformist advocacy: through knowledge, language, technology, and institutions. Hence influencing of such cumulative process for reformation as well as radical shifts is key for transformative humanism and democracy.
Critiquing the institutionalized forms of power is the first step towards transforming the dynamics of power. Institutionalized and dominant forms of power tend to self-preserve through benign or malignant modes of tyranny and terror; coercion and consensus; and “common’ sense as well culture. If not constantly critiqued and challenged, all forms of institutionalized power can be oppressive, subjugating and dehumanizing. Hence, critiquing and transforming institutionalized power is an effort to resist dehumanization and relentlessly trying to humanize and democratize power.
This requires a combination of the politics of people, politics of knowledge, and politics of communication to challenge the dominating forms of power: whether it is the power of the state or power of the market or power of mafia.
My mission is to constantly work towards the humanization and democratization of structures and institutions of power through contestation, collaboration and cooperative action and communicative action - based on value of justice, freedom and equality of human persons. Such an approach seeks to bridge between the Ideal and Real. It may involve working in, working with and working beyond the institutionalized forms of power, without compromising the values of transformation.
I believe that every human action and institution needs to be historicized, problematised, politicized and democratized. Critical transformative approach involves consistent and constant critique of power and a commitment to challenge unjust power-relationship so as to humanize and democratize people, society, knowledge and institutions. Critical transformist approach to politics involves working within institution and working beyond institutions; such an approach involves resisting, engaging and persuading power-relationships to ensure justice as fairness and human dignity as the right to live in freedom.
There is a tendency of those in controlling the nodal locations of power to monopolize power- through claims of sovereignty. This monopolization of power to control natural, productive and reproductive resources, through ‘discipline” and promises of “security”, are at the root of unjust politics both in its micro and macro expressions.
So politics for me involves challenging and changing monopolization of power, and injustice that is inherent in such unequal and unjust power relationship. Politics for me challenging and changing unjust power-relationships to ensure a life of dignity, choices and freedom to all human beings. Politics for me is all about humanizing life-worlds as well quest for justice- towards sustainable, just and democratic society, governance and futures.
Politics for me is the democratization of power, knowledge, technology and language. Politics for me is the celebration of human dignity- through asserting and demanding human rights. Politics for me is to make change happen towards a just, sustainable, responsible world- without poverty and war. Politics for me is to fight injustice, exclusion, marginalization and dehumanization.
Politics for me is to take responsibility to imagine and suggest alternatives to unjust power-relationships. Politics for me is to imagine a utopia- a world without poverty and injustice where every person can live a life of dignity, freedom, enjoyment and responsibility. Politics for me is to listen to the voice of the last person. Politics for me is when every person can celebrate her/his dignity and right to dissent and development. Politics for me is to make market work for the people- not the other way around. Politics for is to accountability from all power-holders , State, Market and civil society. Politics for me is all about sovereignty of people- citizens- and the democratization of at levels of human action and institutions.
Politics for me is the courage of conviction to ensure sustainability of our planet, people, and eternal dreams for a joyful and justful tomorrow.

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