Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Book Diary:Mr and Mrs Jinnah: The marriage that shook India

Enjoyed reading Mr and Mrs Jinnah: The marriage that shook India by Sheela Reddy. A very well researched book tells the story like a novel. It gives a rare portrait of Jinnah as a young man. And also about the high Mumbai society where Jinnah climbed to the top as a self made man with determination, hard work and sheer will to win. And how he married Ruttie, the only daughter of one of the richest Parsi families of Bombay . She was 24 years younger to him and became a teenage bride at 18. His sister Fatima, Sarojini Naidu, her daughter Patmaja Naidu and the parents of Ruttie Sir Dinshaw Petit and Lady Petit are all characters in this important historical and social narratives of the first half of the last century. It also gives a glimpse of Jinnaha and Gandhi interface . The book also gives a sense of how Ruttie' s death at a young age of 29 haunted Jinnaha till his end , though he concealed it One of their close friends say the Jinnaha would have been different if Rutti did not die . Worth reading this book to get to know one of the fascinating persons and leaders of the last century: his triumphs and tragedy.

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