Thursday, December 8, 2011


Living is a feel of seasons
Sensing sights, sun, smell,
flow, moon and snow!

Snow, Snow, Snow
A sheet of white
Showering on earth
Naked trees
Leaf-less woods
Birds flew off!
River is freezing.

The depth of winter
Touching the marrow
At minus 12!
Sun sulks at 10 am!
Days are short!
Snow yet to shine!

Time to fly!
To Gods of own Country
To embrace the joy of a sunlit morning
To feel the leaves of green grass
To dip the feet in to the warmth
Of a flowing spring
Wake up to the tune of a morning bird
Walk up to embrace the laughter of a
Little daughter!

Life revolves around seasons
In anticipation of
Sun, moon, snow, life
Leaves, flowers and people
Life is seasons.

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