Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Unhappy Photos!

Unhappy photos
Of brutal murders
Of mutilated bodies
Of blood
Of tears
Residues of unfinished Revolution
In the name of unfulfilled dreams
Through the barrel of Guns

Guns don't cry
Guns kill dreams.
Dead dreams
Of still-born revolution
In the graveyards
Dirty old revolutions

The nostalgia
of youthful memories
of living dreams of revolution

Be Romantic-
As long as we don't see
such unhappy photos, and
As long as we can listen to
Happy music every day
As long as we can write
and read poems about promised lands
The land of 'milk and honey'
In our imaginative landscapes.
We live by illusions- small and big.

Close your eyes.
Don't see unhappy photos
Of trampled dead bodies
In the wasteland of dead dreams
Close your eyes
And listen to a morning Raaga...
And then 'life is beautiful'-
And then, we can get lost
In our youthful nostalgia
For the promised land of Canaan.
Postponed forever.
We live by dreams and death

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