Saturday, June 24, 2017

FB-Reflections- മുഖപുസ്തക ചിന്തകള്‍

1) അറിവിന്‌ നിറവില്ല. 
അറിവുകള്‍ അരുവികളാണു.
ചോദ്യങ്ങളുടെ ഒഴുക്കാണ്.
ചിന്തകളുടെ ഉള്‍ താളങ്ങളില്‍
തിരച്ചറിവിന്‍ ഓളങ്ങള്‍ 
മനസ്സിനെ തൊട്ടാണ്
മനുഷ്യരാകുന്നത് .
അറിവുകള്‍ ആയുസ്സിനും
അപ്പുറമുള്ള ആറാണു.
തലമുറകളുടെ താളലയങ്ങളാണു 

2) ജാതിയുടെയും മതത്തിന്‍റെയും വംശത്തിന്‍റെയും അടിസ്ഥാനത്തില്‍ മനുഷ്യനെ വേര്‍തിരിച്ചു തമ്മില്‍ അടിപ്പിച്ചു മുതല്‍ എടുക്കുന്ന ഏത് സ്വത്വ രാഷ്ട്രീയവും - മനസ്സാ വാചാ- കര്‍മ്മണ- അപകടകരവും ഹിംസത്മകവും ആണ്. മനുഷ്യനെ മനുഷ്യനായി തിരിച്ചറിയാത്ത ഏതു വിശ്വാസവും ഹിംസയിലേക്കുള്ള വഴികളാണ്.

3) Inequality itself can be multidimensional, including economic. Social, political and environmental inequality. The outcome of the neoliberal economic growth driven model is unprecedented and multidimensional inequalities across the world. Inequalities create multiple forms of exclusion and resultant insecurities and violence of various kinds. If you look at the extent of violence, one can see this links, whether in the tribal areas of India ( Maoist) or in the big cities of Rio , Jo burg, and even in the USA.
However, it is also time to rethink beyond the theoretical binaries of socialism vs capitalism. In different phases of history of society and organised forms of power, human beings tend to create analytical frameworks to understand, interpret and influence the world. While such kind of theorising of society, people and history is indeed important, it is also important to recognise the fact that human society, human thinking and action, and hence human Knowledge itself is dynamic and subject to change. On the one hand human beings may be influenced by long term normative an ethical principles such as human dignity, fairness, equality , rights, freedom etc and on the other hand human beings tend to develop knowledge framework to organise or manage these principle through a combination of knowledge rational, interpretation and building conceptual legitimacy for a given model at a given point in history. Many of the concepts and frameworks that emerged in the 18nth or 19th century may not be good enough to understand, interpret or influence the dynamics of power and power relationships or institutional contours of 21st century. Even what is termed as capitalism is no longer a monolithic theoretical framework applied across the world. Different countries adopt a mix of institutional and policy framework, influenced by the dynamic of history, society and power in a particular country as well as the dynamics of the international trade of goods and services at a given point. The Nordic model has been different from the continental model or for that matter the US model. Chinese model and Vietnam model are also not similar, though they may look so for those who see it from a distance. The point is it is time to go beyond simple binaries of pet theories and model made few hundred years ago.Newtonian mechanics was a great milestone in the history of knowledge. However, human knowledge has crossed that milestone and science moved ahead with far better analytical and knowledge framework to understand the nature, people and society.

4)An ethical and empowered leadership means enabling a creative, learning and confident culture with in the organization- through walking the talk and consistently bridging the gap between words and deeds. This also means the ability to be challenged and challenge – in an enabling manner. Such leaders will encourage colleagues to be frank and honest about their perception and perspective.

A good leader is someone whose feet are firmly on the ground and eyes seek to go beyond the horizon. Someone in a constant mode of learning and listening begins to develop instincts and wisdom to see the unseen, to hear the unheard, to feel the ripples and make the waves. Such leadership will be intuitive enough about the future to shape and make future.

 , government.

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