Thursday, December 21, 2017

Transformative Leadership : Art of transforming water in to wine

Transformative Leadership is all about the art of transforming water in to wine and a handful of salt in to a Sathyagraha for Freedom. That is a point I discussed today in a session on ethical leadership at the Alphonsa college, Pala. Discussed Leadership learning from Confusious, Moses and how Gautama became the Buddha,, on Krishna, Jesus, Mohammed, Gandhiji, Marx, Che and Narayana Guru. They were all great communicators. Many of them told stories and they broke the existing rules of the game. They all could tell complex concepts in a simple way to convey to ordinary people in an extraordinary way. They used power of conviction and communications to challenge and change entrenched and oppressive powers of their times. They challenged and changed themselves first before challenging the powers of the day. All of them were non conformists. They lived and died for ideas that influenced thoughts and inspired actions that transformed the world. The biggest irony of history is that all iconoclasts became icons. Our job is not to follow icons of history but learn from their lives to challenge those entrenched powers built in the name of all former iconoclasts. Our role is to redefine and challenge the boundaries that constrains our creativity, thinking and action.. Conformists never became great change makers in the history or society.

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