Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Love- The Salt of the Earth

John Samuel

It is the love that makes us the SALT of the Earth.

Love is about 'being; not about 'having'. Love is about 'giving'; not about 'getting'. Love is a verb- an action; not a reaction; neither a notion.

LOVE- is the art of going beyond the Self- to touch, feel and be together with the other- with people, planet and the Divine. Love is what makes Life worth living. Love is that can transform us. Love is that can make us creative. Love is that can make music within us. Hence Love can drive poetry and politics. Love can also help us to escape from the prisons of the self.Love can set us free. Hence, God is Love. It is the message of Love that makes Jesus unique in so many ways.

Love one another. Love your neighbour. Love your enemy: Jesus preached and practised LOVE with his words, deeds and lifeand Love was his biggest of commandments: sum and substance of his life and mission. Love made him die young.

LOVE. LOVE and LOVE- is the alpha and Omega of his teaching, Life, and mission. He lived and died a life of Love. He lived dangerously - challenging injustice, stigmatization, and exploitation. He challenged unjust and unequal power-relationship with the message of Love. His Cross too was that of Love.
Jesus was the messenger and message of Love and in his words and deeds he stood with the down trodden, oppressed, and stigmatized.
He sought to heal people and world with LOVE.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. – (1 Corinthians 13:5-7 )

The tragedy of the world is that many who claim to believe in him made wounds that hurt the world; instead of creating Love in the world, many wars were fought in his name;many millions were killed. Jesus and his message of Love get crucified every single day by those who claim to represent him in this world. The irony is the Jesus gets often crucified in the altars of Churches!

( This is written as a quick response in a Facebook discussion - initiated by a friend Ravi Varma on Jesus)

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